[ weird things ] | ufology
articles tagged: ufology
why a scientist wants to look for ufo shards in the ocean, and why he’ll fail
# astrobiology

why a scientist wants to look for ufo shards in the ocean, and why he’ll fail

An astronomer who keeps making wild claims about alien technology in our solar system now claims there are parts of an alien spaceship in the Pacific Ocean.

if the aliens are here, we’re all in big trouble
# astrobiology

if the aliens are here, we’re all in big trouble

Former military pilots and officers often share UFO stories with the media. But what if some of those objects really are from alien words? How would we know? What would we do?

world of weird things podcast: close encounters of the ufo kind
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: close encounters of the ufo kind

Once again, stories of military officers spotting UFOs and never getting answers to their questions are making their way through the media. Why are these tales so common?

did the chilean navy really track a ufo?
# astrobiology

did the chilean navy really track a ufo?

The Chilean military has no idea what it tracked after two years of investigations and the footage it shared really is a head-scratcher.

why military ufo sightings are so hard to explain
# astrobiology

why military ufo sightings are so hard to explain

It's one thing when people can't explain the weird things they see in the night sky. But what if a UFO sighting takes place over a military base and high ranking officers have no idea what happened?

denver to ufologists: we don’t want to believe
# oddities

denver to ufologists: we don’t want to believe

Unsurprisingly, the people of Denver don't want to spend their money on researching UFO sightings instead of basic public services.

dial x for an astronomical ufo conspiracy
# oddities

dial x for an astronomical ufo conspiracy

Ufologists seem convinced that NASA is trying to distort an image showing a gigantic alien spaceship shaped like an X floating through the solar system.

ufologists want an eu exopolitical agency
# astrobiology

ufologists want an eu exopolitical agency

Ufologists want the EU to create an office of extraterrestrial affairs and diplomacy.

a friendly tip for ufologists
# astrobiology

a friendly tip for ufologists

One example of hard proof is worth a million vague anecdotes and personal accounts of sightings.

looking for the aliens among us
# astrobiology

looking for the aliens among us

Ancient astronaut enthusiasts are sure that humans were created by alien experiments. And this time, they say they have tangible proof.

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