[ weird things ] | education
# education

playing devil’s advocate for creationists
# education

playing devil’s advocate for creationists

According to the Center For Inquiry, science teachers can't tell students the Earth is not 6,000 years old and life as we know it evolved through natural selection and mutations.

uncle sam wants you… to be a supernerd
# education

uncle sam wants you… to be a supernerd

The military is running out of nerds and worries it doesn't have enough to develop and control its future high tech weapons. But the government isn't about to incentivize STEM students with anything other than PR...

the skeptics’ anthem, now in hip hop
# education

the skeptics’ anthem, now in hip hop

Baba Brinkman comes up with a proper diss track for cranks, quacks, and snake oil salesmen.

dismantling education one mandate at a time
# education

dismantling education one mandate at a time

Texas is hell bent to use toxic partisanship instead of expert-vetted facts guide its education system, in denial that its students will suffer as a result.

some homeschoolers just say no to evolution
# education

some homeschoolers just say no to evolution

Many religious zealots homeschool their kids to stop them from learning about evolution. And thanks to some homeschooling textbook publishers, they have a helping hand in denying their kids a scientific education.

badmouthing college, the start of a trend?
# education

badmouthing college, the start of a trend?

Hedge fund manager James Altucher has a radical solution to college debt and degrees with little utility in the job market. Just don't go to college. But is that a realistic option?

are the benefits of higher education shrinking?
# education

are the benefits of higher education shrinking?

Higher education in America is turning into a credentialing arms race and leading students to ask if the debt and effort are really worth it in the end.

saving kids from hell one science class at a time
# education

saving kids from hell one science class at a time

An accidental sneak peek at what kids are taught in a creationist science class shows a profound disregard for both the Bible and scientific facts.

texas, still hell bent on undermining education
# education

texas, still hell bent on undermining education

A profile of Don McLeroy makes it clear that the Texas Board of Education isn't interested in anything other than blasting students with simplistic, dogmatic propaganda.

another messy divorce with science
# education

another messy divorce with science

Parents were shocked by the offensive content on the t-shirts worn by the Smith-Cotton High School marching band: a reference to evolution.

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