[ weird things ] | education
# education

cryptozoology, creationism’s new friend
# education

cryptozoology, creationism’s new friend

Christian textbook writers in the UK are claiming that evolution can't be right because... the Loch Ness Monster is a dinosaur?

why i’m not going to the creation museum
# education

why i’m not going to the creation museum

I'm not going to the Creation Museum for pretty much the same reason I wash my hands after using a public restroom.

public education in texas, doomed
# education

public education in texas, doomed

Texas' new potential chair of the Board of Education will make you long for the good old days of anti-evolution dentist Don McLeroy.

reporting atheism to the fbi?
# education

reporting atheism to the fbi?

While parodies are rife on the internet, some people to go extreme lengths to keep their children from questioning their beliefs.

the controversy that texas forgot
# education

the controversy that texas forgot

Since the Texas School Board is really into injecting controversies into education, here's one they should consider.

teaching the controversy where none exists
# education

teaching the controversy where none exists

Yet more shenanigans from the Texas School Board of Education, this time about the age of the universe and the basics of cosmology.

be concerned, be very concerned
# education

be concerned, be very concerned

Texas is on a rampage against factual science education. Unfortunately, the state influences the contents of science textbooks across the nation...

a backlash against creationism in texas?
# education

a backlash against creationism in texas?

The state of Texas may finally be pushing back on overzealous creationists trying to hijack their school board.

and so we keep on going…
# education

and so we keep on going…

The Texas School Board of Education is attacking basic science standards once again.

college isn’t what it used to be
# education

college isn’t what it used to be

College was supposed to open doors to a bright future. Instead, it became a debt-generating Catch-22 for many.

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