[ weird things ] | oddities
# oddities

when your conspiracy has too many villains
# oddities

when your conspiracy has too many villains

To keep their jobs, climate change denialists erected a conspiracy theory that's buckling under its own weight.

what alex jones really fears: experts
# oddities

what alex jones really fears: experts

Alex Jones' deepest, darkest fear isn't reptilian aliens. It's experts and wonks with who cramp his and his fans' style.

the satanic ritual abuse hoax lives on
# oddities

the satanic ritual abuse hoax lives on

Remember the Satanic Panic of the 1990s and the various cranks promoting it? It turns out they never quite moved on to something else...

florida man warns public about mind control. maybe. but probably not…
# oddities

florida man warns public about mind control. maybe. but probably not…

Buckle up for a classic DARPA mass brainwashing/mind control conspiracy with an identity theft twist...

the surprising truth behind a conspiracy cruise
# oddities

the surprising truth behind a conspiracy cruise

Turns out conspiracy cruises are less lectures on reptilians and men in black, and more scam informercials for illegal and harebrained financial schemes of sovereign citizens...

when in doubt, reach for a conspiracy?
# oddities

when in doubt, reach for a conspiracy?

Alex Jones and his fan club are apparently convinced that the drought in California is a sinister New World Order experiment.

why you’re probably not an alien descendant, redux
# oddities

why you’re probably not an alien descendant, redux

A new conspiracy book thinks it has a slam dunk argument for why humans were genetically engineers by aliens.

the many deaths of osama bin laden
# oddities

the many deaths of osama bin laden

Hersh's wild tale of bin Laden's death somehow manages to make virtually every detail utterly implausible with the slightest research into it.

the world’s sloppiest would-be military takeover
# oddities

the world’s sloppiest would-be military takeover

The idea that Jade Helm is a dress rehearsal for a military takeover of America is just a rehash of conspiracy radio's greatest hits. So why are so many pundits trying to justify conspiracy theorists' fears?

mornings, a conspiracy theory
# oddities

mornings, a conspiracy theory

Have you ever felt there was something off about mornings? That something about early hours and industries catering to its victims didn't quite add up? So did I...

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