[ weird things ] | science
# science

how not to get facts get in the way of righteously angry clickbait
# science

how not to get facts get in the way of righteously angry clickbait

Clickbait punditry is selling a story about a study into male birth control whose participants wimped out. But that's not at all what happened...

the study that could quite literally change everything if it’s right
# science

the study that could quite literally change everything if it’s right

A new paper claims that the universe's expansion isn't accelerating. If that's true, we have to start rewriting cosmology as we know it.

much ado about reproducing social science experiments
# science

much ado about reproducing social science experiments

A project to replicate studies it found problematic is running into its own replication problems and not following experimental designs.

does global warming make tornadoes more powerful?
# science

does global warming make tornadoes more powerful?

Global warming is making tornado outbreaks more unpredictable and pushing them to extremes.

hell hath no fury like a scientist scorned by bad peer review…
# science

hell hath no fury like a scientist scorned by bad peer review…

Peer review and editorial input at PLOS ONE are in trouble and scientists are very, very upset.

the deep space cataclysm that keeps on happening
# science

the deep space cataclysm that keeps on happening

Fast radio bursts get even more mysterious with new detections and point to a new culprit: magnetically supercharged neutron stars.

the house’s luddites keep looking for a conspiracy
# science

the house’s luddites keep looking for a conspiracy

Lamar Smith refuses to give up on manufacturing a scandal, demanding publicly available data from NOAA

why it’s not what you quantify, but why
# science

why it’s not what you quantify, but why

Quantification and tracking gets people to do more of what you want them to do, but makes doing it a lot less fun.

milgram’s experiments get a modern reboot
# science

milgram’s experiments get a modern reboot

A modern twist on a classic experiment shows how we mentally disassociate from ourselves when carrying out orders.

why the iq police won’t come after you with a brain scanner
# science

why the iq police won’t come after you with a brain scanner

A new study showing that your through patterns are unique enough to be seen on a brain scan is being misinterpreted as a test run of an IQ detector.

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