[ weird things ] | science
# science

why do people believe in conspiracy theories?
# science

why do people believe in conspiracy theories?

A study of conspiracy theorists shows that conspiratorial ideation is actually a political, not a logical matter.

science is broken, long live science
# science

science is broken, long live science

Over-quantification and commodification of research is encouraging bad behavior and slowing down scientists.

why melting permafrost could mean more disease
# science

why melting permafrost could mean more disease

Another scary side-effect of global warming may be the resurrection of ancient viruses from melting permafrost.

quantum causality remains an oxymoron
# science

quantum causality remains an oxymoron

The most thorough study of quantum entanglement to date shows that "spooky action" is really happening.

the paradox of the black hole information paradox
# science

the paradox of the black hole information paradox

Stephen Hawking hasn't actually solved the black hole information paradox and his latest work raises more questions than it provides answers.

why chipotle is getting its comeuppance for pandering to luddites
# science

why chipotle is getting its comeuppance for pandering to luddites

Chipotle tried to appeal to the most ardent anti-GMO activists. Now it's paying the price.

why there’s still a clear line between organ donation and organ harvesting
# science

why there’s still a clear line between organ donation and organ harvesting

Technology that can keep organs preserved and functioning outside a body are raising some thorny moral questions for ethicists.

when pseudoskepticism meets religious snake oil
# science

when pseudoskepticism meets religious snake oil

Skeptico might sound like a skeptical blog, but as demonstrated by its approach to a profile of Dr. Eben Alexander, it's anything but.

why being scientifically conscise just makes sense
# science

why being scientifically conscise just makes sense

It's a lot easier to get your paper noticed and read if people can understand what you're trying to say and why. And scientists crunched the numbers to prove it.

why proving universal grammar is harder than it seems
# science

why proving universal grammar is harder than it seems

A new study shows that human languages do tend to follow the same logical rules, but the theory's sheer scope means it only takes one exception to invalidate its premise.

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