[ weird things ] | science
# science

the emdrive’s wishful thinking and weird physics
# science

the emdrive’s wishful thinking and weird physics

For the EmDrive and similar schemes to work would require radically different laws of physics. But something as trivial as physical impossibility isn't deterring its advocates...

no, we did not find aliens on a comet’s surface
# science

no, we did not find aliens on a comet’s surface

The three constants of life seem to be death, taxes, and Chandra Wickramasinghe claiming space agencies are hiding proof of alien life.

fear and loathing in researchers’ test farms
# science

fear and loathing in researchers’ test farms

Anti-GMO activists not swayed by reason or data are destroying text fields and crops in an effort to stop any and all research they can.

why you owe your existence to quantum mechanics
# science

why you owe your existence to quantum mechanics

When you're trying to start carbon-based life, not just any carbon isotope will do and the one you need wouldn't even exist without a quirk of quantum mechanics.

how scientists helped create a digital labor union
# science

how scientists helped create a digital labor union

Stingy academics inspired a new platform for those doing menial digital work, and not in a good way.

how to keep your employees happy
# science

how to keep your employees happy

Studies into the health of workers and middle managers leads to the inescapable conclusion that today's work culture is making us miserable and unhealthy.

anatomy of a politically painful fraud
# science

anatomy of a politically painful fraud

Michael LaCour's groundbreaking study on how just talking to an LGBT person could change homophobic attitudes was a fraud. But why did it take so longer to uncover it and what does it mean for other researchers?

looking for the ghosts of dark matter past…
# science

looking for the ghosts of dark matter past…

Unfortunately, the Higgs particle doesn't explain the origins of dark matter, sending cosmologists looking for new particles to help fill in the blanks.

why my dog is smarter than your a.i.
# science

why my dog is smarter than your a.i.

When thinking about AI, we often focus on human analogs. But what if we consider a non-human intelligence for a change?

an open letter to the standard model
# science

an open letter to the standard model

Particle physicists managed to confirm virtually everything about the Standard Model. Now they're stuck with very little wiggle room to explain some of the universe's oddest mysteries.

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