[ weird things ] | science
# science

how think tanks could buy themselves a study
# science

how think tanks could buy themselves a study

Mark Regnerus’ study of homosexual parenting is rife with cherry-picking, misrepresentation, and baseless assertions. This is why he's being so harshly criticized.

want more stem grads? open your wallet…
# science

want more stem grads? open your wallet…

Everybody seems to want more STEM majors, scientists and highly trained engineers. But nobody seems to want to pay for them.

who will save us from the gmo monster?
# science

who will save us from the gmo monster?

Anti-GMO activism is the left's version of global warming denialism and it's just as vicious and fact-free.

the challenge of popular science writing
# science

the challenge of popular science writing

No good deed goes unpunished, including writing a science book that will get critiqued by scientists who aren't shy about getting pedantic.

how we shouldn’t fix research grant problems
# science

how we shouldn’t fix research grant problems

Having the public vote on what science gets funded and why to fix the issues with how grants are given out is an idea only a politician could love and would be disastrous in practice.

how new agers escape the human condition
# science

how new agers escape the human condition

There's nothing quite like creationism mixed with a heavy dose of woo in which anything you dream of can come true because quantum.

so whose anti-science is really worse?
# science

so whose anti-science is really worse?

Pseudoscience on the left may not be as dangerous or pervasive as on the right. But it's still there and still a major problem.

oh quantum causality, we hardly knew ye…
# science

oh quantum causality, we hardly knew ye…

A new experiment shows that the quantum world obeys causality only begrudgingly, and sometimes, not at all...

why retractions aren’t really a bad thing
# science

why retractions aren’t really a bad thing

Don't worry about retractions or bad papers being discovered by scientists trying to build on and replicate each other's work. That's exactly how science advances.

why opera’s lead scientist should’ve stayed
# science

why opera’s lead scientist should’ve stayed

OPERA experiment's lead investigator resigned after a scathing rebuke from his fellow scientists over the neutrino detection incident. He should've been allowed to stay.

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