[ weird things ] | science
# science

can you calculate the worth of curiosity?
# science

can you calculate the worth of curiosity?

How much are we actually willing to pay for future innovations in science and technology? And not in a figurative way...

why human morality is a tricky calculus…
# science

why human morality is a tricky calculus…

A study shows that the further we're personally removed from a harmful or even lethal action, the easier we can rationalize its execution.

expertise, and how to fake having it online
# science

expertise, and how to fake having it online

If you're going to fake being an expert online, you better learn the tricks of the pseudo-expert trade.

do warp drives emit tachyon shockwaves?
# science

do warp drives emit tachyon shockwaves?

A new paper says that warp drives could bathe planets in apocalyptic radiation storms, but how it arrives at this conclusion raises a lot of questions.

yes, being a global warming denier does pay
# science

yes, being a global warming denier does pay

Amazingly, professional global warming and climate change denialists are not doing what they're doing out of the goodness of their hearts...

for the good of science, publish your code?
# science

for the good of science, publish your code?

Publishing code used in scientific studies sounds like a good idea, but its implementation and consequences need a lot more thought first...

earth is growing, proclaims amateur geologist
# science

earth is growing, proclaims amateur geologist

Apparently middle aged planets also gain mass around their equators according to an amateur geologist very passionate about his epiphany.

the odd case of the crime rate paradox
# science

the odd case of the crime rate paradox

Crime rates are plummeting and no one seems to be able to explain why.

arsenic-based microbes take yet another hit
# science

arsenic-based microbes take yet another hit

The infamous NASA-backed paper claiming that exotic biochemistry was found on Earth gets eviscerated in the latest round in reviews.

why scientists want to starve a publishing beast
# science

why scientists want to starve a publishing beast

Scientists have had it with traditional publishers acting as parasitic middlemen and their tradition of ever-escalating price gouging.

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