[ weird things ] | science
# science

the amazing, gyrating theory of everything
# science

the amazing, gyrating theory of everything

A viral theory-of-everything manifesto is raising eyebrows of scientists and pop sci writers with one questions: how could it get published in a peer-reviewed journal?

applying logic and causality backwards…
# science

applying logic and causality backwards…

When creationists try to frame studies of evolutionary mechanisms as proof of a deity, they have their arguments exactly in reverse.

do decaying neutrons travel between universes?
# science

do decaying neutrons travel between universes?

According to a group of Belgian scientists, neutrons switch universes when they decay because they decay when they switch universes.

how can we deal with an echo chamber web?
# science

how can we deal with an echo chamber web?

How do we shake people out of the cozy realities they tend to build for themselves online?

why scientific success is hard to measure
# science

why scientific success is hard to measure

Science doesn't move at the speed of headlines. It moves at whatever speed scientists can discover and confirm something new.

performing an evolutionary feat in sixty days
# science

performing an evolutionary feat in sixty days

For the first time we saw multicellular life evolve in a lab under conditions predicted by biologists.

why you shouldn’t sing praises to a crank
# science

why you shouldn’t sing praises to a crank

Seriously, it's not a good idea to encourage ignoramuses who see themselves as titans of science on the verge of being lavished with fame and fortune.

can global warming really stop an ice age?
# science

can global warming really stop an ice age?

Have we pumped enough greenhouse gases into the air to stop the next ice age? Some researchers think so but their models are inconclusive.

introducing new and improved ocd timekeeping
# science

introducing new and improved ocd timekeeping

You'd think that in the age of atomic clocks we wouldn't have debates about the passage of time. And yet, here we are...

why arguing with a crank just won’t work out
# science

why arguing with a crank just won’t work out

Cranks looking to debate serious scientists and scholars aren't looking to have a discussion. They shouldn't be given a platform and legitimacy by proxy.

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