[ weird things ] | science
# science

you can hear heisenberg’s ghost weeping
# science

you can hear heisenberg’s ghost weeping

Robert Lanza is back and he thinks he knows how to cheat death and create your own afterlife with some very self-absorbed woo...

homeopathic physics abuse vs. the skeptics
# science

homeopathic physics abuse vs. the skeptics

According to Mike Adams, homeopathy is superior to actual medicine because it actually doesn't seem to do anything.

post-modernism, coming soon to aol.com?
# science

post-modernism, coming soon to aol.com?

AOL is helping to spread woo across the web not because it believes in what post modern cargo cult science preaches, but because it doesn't care.

cooking, now with extra science and precision
# science

cooking, now with extra science and precision

Cooking is primarily an art. Nathan Myhrvold wants to make it much more of a science with a creative flair.

scavenger or predator, the great t. rex debate
# science

scavenger or predator, the great t. rex debate

A pair of studies show that T-Rex must have hunted down and killed prey if it didn't want to starve to death.

is it viable cold fusion or an imminent scam?
# science

is it viable cold fusion or an imminent scam?

Two Italians claim they cracked cold fusion and are ready to build a small power plant for paying customers. Their proof, however, points to this being an obvious scam.

evo psych gets a scowl from two biologists
# science

evo psych gets a scowl from two biologists

Evolutionary psychology sounds like a fruitful pursuit, but it's probably barking up the wrong tree as a discipline.

biologos draws a theological line in the sand
# science

biologos draws a theological line in the sand

Biologos openly declares that the only science they will accept is science tinged by a heavy religious bias.

a good reason not to try sex in space. yet.
# science

a good reason not to try sex in space. yet.

Embryos outside of Earth's gravity seem to have a hard time developing, meaning that reproduction in space requires a far more fine tuned environment.

just when you think something is undeniable…
# science

just when you think something is undeniable…

Believe it or not, there's a growing group of people trying to cherry-pick a medical case that obesity isn't bad for you.

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