Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# science
# science
Another year, another mandatory post about how global warming actually works and why a warm planet can still have snow and ice.
# science
The good news is that we have a growing skeptical movement. The bad news is that we actually need one...
# science
Homeopath John Benneth is trying to make a name for himself as both a scientifically illiterate quack and a self-pitying conspiracy theorist.
# science
Jokes don't have to be just funny or scientifically accurate. Comedian Brian Malow is on a mission to show they can be both.
# science
Nothing is more important to a modern nation's prosperity than science and engineering, and nothing is more neglected by today's politicians.
# science
Politicians want to cut scientific research and education programs, ignoring how little they'd actually be cutting and how many people it will truly affect.
# science
A trio of physicists want to marry dark matter and antimatter. It's not a union that seems destined for bliss.
# science
Biocentrism is the hottest new "quantum" woo that's literally all about you...
# science
Is becoming a scientist really worth it today? Surprisingly, a lot of PhDs are recommending against it.
# science
If you publish enough complex, highly speculative papers with untestable predictions, eventually, you're going to get trolled.