[ weird things ] | science
# science

the woo is really, really strong in this one…
# science

the woo is really, really strong in this one…

There's no pseudoscience or conspiracy Mike Adams isn't willing to defend. His latest cause? Astrology.

yeah, about those arsenic-absorbing microbes…
# science

yeah, about those arsenic-absorbing microbes…

It seems that the NASA-backed research into arsenic-eating microbes had a number of serious flaws that has biologists scratching their heads.

needed: fewer communicators, more scientists
# science

needed: fewer communicators, more scientists

The Framer-in-Chief is failing upwards to speak for America's geoscientists. It should be a wake up call for scientists to speak for themselves instead.

politically correct anthropologists tackle science
# science

politically correct anthropologists tackle science

A group of anthropologists crossed from being respectful to non-Western cultures and their history to being patronizing and condescending.

the gallery of anti-skepticism and anti-science
# science

the gallery of anti-skepticism and anti-science

A brief survey of the six kinds of people actively ruining science for the rest of us.

thanksgiving: awkward family debates edition
# science

thanksgiving: awkward family debates edition

The holidays are a time for family, which often means arguments with woo-loving relatives...

jwst: gambling with the future of space science
# science

jwst: gambling with the future of space science

An awful lot is riding on JWST and there's a huge risk that if something goes wrong, deep space astronomy could be set back decades.

a case of trying to be hip while breaking a hip
# science

a case of trying to be hip while breaking a hip

Cramming science into a fashion magazine didn't seem to work last year so naturally, GQ is going to try it again.

why don’t we just keep our code to ourselves?
# science

why don’t we just keep our code to ourselves?

Releasing climate change modeling code to people who can't run it, don't understand it, and are paid to disagree with it and libel you a fraud doesn't do computer scientists any favors.

why science and politics don’t mix, revisited
# science

why science and politics don’t mix, revisited

Hypothetically, science and technology should have fared better under the liberal Obama administration. In reality, very little has changed.

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