Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# science
# science
If you're looking for surreal, downright astounding beauty and wonder, all you need to do is look up and ask some questions about what's happening in the night sky...
# science
Could the laws of physics step in to prevent attempts at radical life extension?
# science
Can we destroy the world with nukes? It depends on who you ask and what kinds of warheads and damage they include in their calculations...
# science
With friends like accommodationists, science advocates don't need any enemies.
# science
The results of the biannual scientific literacy survey conducted by the National Science Foundation are so embarrassing, the organization felt the need to censor some of the results.
# science
Ayala shows us that the accommodationist ruse only works as long as no one can pin down your concrete views on where belief ends and science begins.
# science
A thought experiment on what might happen if you try to teleport your way through traffic in front of a police car.
# science
According to a Muslim creationist, Allah is less of a deity and more of a programmer with a mad scientist streak.
# science
According to biology pioneer J. Craig Venter, the first step to personalized medicine and new tools to fight cancer are faster computers.
# science
John Polkinghorne managed to create a version of God that's both truly omnipresent and omniscient, and almost entirely powerless and irrelevant.