[ weird things ] | science
# science

say it loud, accommodationist and proud?
# science

say it loud, accommodationist and proud?

Michael Ruse seems to be angling for some of that sweet, sweet Templeton money by talking out of both sides of his mouth. But mostly the side that slams science and atheists...

my science is better than your science…
# science

my science is better than your science…

When you can't back up what you're selling with peer-reviewed science, just invent your own like William Tiller...

how high could the world’s population go?
# science

how high could the world’s population go?

There is a hard limit to how many people this planet can support, but we may never actually reach it. If we do, we could be quickly cut down to size.

science blogs go under the microscope
# science

science blogs go under the microscope

According to a new paper, science blogs are a cesspool of toxic snark. Unfortunately for the paper, the criteria used to decide that were highly subjective and context-free.

answers in genesis searches for atlantis
# science

answers in genesis searches for atlantis

Answers In Genesis says that the fall of Atlantis was caused by the Great Flood and they have the numbers and verses to prove it.

yet another spawn of quantum consciousness
# science

yet another spawn of quantum consciousness

Famed physicist Roger Penrose and an Arizona doctor are claiming that our brains are quantum computer in a white paper that will surely be seized by the woo faithful as proof of "quantum consciousness."

templeton takes science writers for a ride…
# science

templeton takes science writers for a ride…

Chris Mooney has effectively allowed the Templeton Foundation to bribe him not to write anything negative about religious zealotry or over-reach.

when everybody is a climate scientist…
# science

when everybody is a climate scientist…

Global warming deniers demonstrate that a little bit of knowledge mixed with lots of willful obfuscation is a very dangerous and unreasonable thing.

answering one fallacy with another
# science

answering one fallacy with another

Creationists attack evolution with a hydra of bad faith arguments and logical fallacies. Trying to counter them using the bandwagon fallacy is only playing into their hands.

dealing with the new generation of cranks
# science

dealing with the new generation of cranks

Today's cranks are more publicity savvy and sophisticated then ever, which is one of the biggest reasons not to hold back when confronting their nonsense.

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