[ weird things ] | science
# science

what spiders could teach us about the evolution of brains and intelligence
# science

what spiders could teach us about the evolution of brains and intelligence

Some researchers are wondering if our conscious minds may spread outside of our bodies and think a study of spiders in their webs could prove their hunch.

scientists find an animal that doesn’t need oxygen to survive
# science

scientists find an animal that doesn’t need oxygen to survive

We were pretty sure that all complex life on our world needs oxygen. Now, we're not so sure after discovering a small, harmless parasite that doesn't seem to need it.

how artificial intelligence can help us fight antibiotic resistance
# science

how artificial intelligence can help us fight antibiotic resistance

Researchers are enlisting computers in the fight against drug-resistant bacteria and already have a promising new candidate in the pipeline.

new study shows how a leader’s character affects people’s behaviors
# science

new study shows how a leader’s character affects people’s behaviors

When we say that a politician's character matters, we're talking about their ability to make good, ethical decisions. It turns out, it also matters when it comes to voters' attitudes.

why studies claiming that smartphone addiction is real don’t hold up
# science

why studies claiming that smartphone addiction is real don’t hold up

Far too many of us tend to accept the idea that smartphones are addictive and actively ruining the brains of heavy users. But studies into the idea find little to prove this notion.

what you don’t understand about anti-intellectualism can literally kill you
# science

what you don’t understand about anti-intellectualism can literally kill you

We often think anti-intellectualism and ignorance are the same thing. They're not. Anti-intellectualism is a lot eviler and more corrosive, and a lot more dangerous.

how adolescent brains literally rewire themselves before early adulthood
# science

how adolescent brains literally rewire themselves before early adulthood

We know that teenagers think differently from adults because their brains aren't finished forming. But how does an adolescent brain transform into an adult one?

why fossil fuels are even more radioactive than nuclear reactors
# science

why fossil fuels are even more radioactive than nuclear reactors

If you start studying the waste from gas and oil wells, and measure the emissions from coal ash, the fossil fuel industry is more dangerous than any nuclear plant.

how the news broke us
# science

how the news broke us

People are consuming more news than ever before and it's making them angrier, more frustrated, and overwhelmed thanks to the people who dominate the news cycles.

babies keep showing us that we’re born with empathy
# science

babies keep showing us that we’re born with empathy

Scientists are studying if babies are born with empathy and altruism and their research may help us create a blueprint for solving today's partisan tribalism and civil cold wars.

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