[ weird things ] | science
# science

why do less clothing and more cosmetics make people see you as less human?
# science

why do less clothing and more cosmetics make people see you as less human?

Researchers keep confirming that revealing more flesh and using more makeup can dehumanize you, but they haven't figured out exactly why.

science says boomers are the real snowflake generation
# science

science says boomers are the real snowflake generation

The longest ever study of intergenerational narcissistic traits finds that millennials are not as sensitive and self-absorbed as boomers.

climate change denialists’ new favorite conspiracy theory
# science

climate change denialists’ new favorite conspiracy theory

Denialists are now imagining cabals of ecoterrorists burning down entire ecosystems so they don't have to admit that scientists were right about the symptoms of climate change.

want to look competent? wear expensive clothes.
# science

want to look competent? wear expensive clothes.

It turns out that clothes have an amazing effect on how we're perceived by others, even at first glance.

wowt explains: what is dark matter?
# science

wowt explains: what is dark matter?

We might know that dark matter is everywhere, but we know very little about it. So, what do we understand about this mysterious but critical component of the universe?

scientists find a place where liquid water can’t support life
# science

scientists find a place where liquid water can’t support life

Normally on Earth liquid water means life. But researchers found a place where that isn't the case…

sand smugglers and water thieves are making climate change worse
# science

sand smugglers and water thieves are making climate change worse

Sand and water might be everywhere, but the grim reality is that the sand we can use, and water needed for watering our crops and modern civilization are both being threatened.

wowt explains: what is antimatter?
# science

wowt explains: what is antimatter?

Like warp drives, suspended animation, and teleportation, antimatter is a frequent staple of science fiction. But what exactly is it, and could we ever use it to do amazing things?

has anyone ever been killed by dark matter?
# science

has anyone ever been killed by dark matter?

When you think about just how much dark matter there is in the universe, it would be pretty strange if it never harmed anyone or anything…

why politically incorrect speech can boost politicians’ approval
# science

why politically incorrect speech can boost politicians’ approval

Politicians need to keep their voters happy and voters don't like to be offended. But it turns out, dishing out a little offense once in a while gives politicians a real edge.

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