[ weird things ] | sex
# sex

why women are starting to pay for sex
# sex

why women are starting to pay for sex

Wealthier, more confident women are, surprisingly to many men, paying for sex with professionals.

wisconsin d.a. tries to outlaw sex ed
# sex

wisconsin d.a. tries to outlaw sex ed

According to Scott Southworth, teaching teenagers how to use birth control is essentially the same crime as showing pornography to a minor.

how prudishness becomes a pathology
# sex

how prudishness becomes a pathology

Helicopter parents seem to believe that if kids can't learn about sex, they won't experiment with it. Statistically, they're risking their kids' long term health for their own peace of mind.

porn, the phantom menace, part two
# sex

porn, the phantom menace, part two

Is there really such a thing as porn addiction or are we just being fed bad data from an extremely biased group of subject?

sex on tv equals teen pregnancies?
# sex

sex on tv equals teen pregnancies?

Research into teen pregnancy seems to be rife with confusing causation and correlation.

celebrating sixty years of failure
# sex

celebrating sixty years of failure

A small setback like being wrong about literally everything is not going to stop abstinence-only zealots from attacking sex ed.

sex, culture and religion with greta christina
# sex

sex, culture and religion with greta christina

There's a lot of pseudoscience lurking in sex positive communities. But how did it get there in the first place?

covering up our guilty pleasures
# sex

covering up our guilty pleasures

It's no wonder our culture seems almost schizophrenic when it comes to sex. We can't even be honest with each other about it.

morality, now in weaponized form
# sex

morality, now in weaponized form

Crusaders against gay marriage are going to need better arguments than they use today.

spank me baby, it’ll bring us closer
# sex

spank me baby, it’ll bring us closer

BDSM was considered a pathology for many years. A recent study proves otherwise.

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