[ weird things ] | sex
# sex

how not to research sex, race, and culture
# sex

how not to research sex, race, and culture

Satoshi Kanawaza is back and he's as lazy, sexist, and racist as ever while pretending to be a victim.

the twisted politics of recursive sexual frustration
# sex

the twisted politics of recursive sexual frustration

For what it's worth, America is far from the only country where sex and sexual health aren't treated with the cultural and political equivalent of schizophrenia.

how not to write an article about sexuality
# sex

how not to write an article about sexuality

Blaming porn for societal problems isn't exclusive to religious zealots.

ratzinger vs. spanish sex ed classes
# sex

ratzinger vs. spanish sex ed classes

Fresh off a child molestation scandal, the Pope is trying to dictate Span's sex ed curriculums.

why nsfw will keep thriving on the private web
# sex

why nsfw will keep thriving on the private web

Facebook, Twitter, and other gated online platforms are not coming for your porn. It's too lucrative to censor off the web.

turning sexuality and cognition into digital vapor
# sex

turning sexuality and cognition into digital vapor

Surprisingly, one of the topics Singularitarians don't bring up about the utopian virtual worlds to which we'll upload our minds is just how much sex there would be.

the quixotic battle of abstinence only zealots
# sex

the quixotic battle of abstinence only zealots

California declined federal funds to teach abstinence-only sex ed. The result? Teen pregnancies are down to their lowest level ever.

does size really matter? just ask evolution…
# sex

does size really matter? just ask evolution…

Evolution and surveys by scientists and condom manufacturers could answer every man's age-old question...

sex, drugs, and a clinical case of denial
# sex

sex, drugs, and a clinical case of denial

Despite decades of experiments and mountains of evidence, there are still activists who refuse to believe HIV causes AIDS. And they have blood on their hands.

well… that has to be rather awkward…
# sex

well… that has to be rather awkward…

The man who spread the gospel of "praying away the gay" and gay men spreading AIDS where-ever they go was caught hiring a gay escort for his vacation.

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