[ weird things ] | space
# space

the real reason why moon landing conspiracies endure
# space

the real reason why moon landing conspiracies endure

The idea that the lunar landing was faked has by now been debunked by just about everyone and their twice removed sister-in-law's grandma. So how and why is it still around?

it’s no teegarden party: the catch about the latest exoplanetary discovery
# space

it’s no teegarden party: the catch about the latest exoplanetary discovery

By now, you're probably used to hearing about potentially habitable worlds orbiting other stars. But that "potentially habitable" part may come with more caveats than you might think.

for the sake of the planet, stop exploring space?
# space

for the sake of the planet, stop exploring space?

The space exploration industry is booming, which is an encouraging sign for our future. But some pundits are arguing that rocket launches will exacerbate global warming.

putting hawking to the test with sonic blasters and supercooled gas
# space

putting hawking to the test with sonic blasters and supercooled gas

The late physicist Stephen Hawking predicted that black holes evaporate as its massive tidal forces interfere with quantum particles. Now, experiments are starting to confirm his predictions.

the planet modern space exploration forgot
# space

the planet modern space exploration forgot

After decades of neglect, space agencies are starting to listen to planetary scientists interested in studying Venus. Here's why they want to explore an alien hellscape.

galaxies without dark matter may actually be full of it
# space

galaxies without dark matter may actually be full of it

Galaxies seemingly lacking dark matter which threatened to rule out alternative ideas about what dark matter could be may actually be full of it, according to a second, in depth look.

when worlds collide: what happened the day the earth died
# space

when worlds collide: what happened the day the earth died

According to a new study, Earth's collision with a Mars-sized protoplanet 4.5 billion years ago didn't just create the Moon. It also gave us our oceans and helped life get started.

unmasking a monster: a “stunning confirmation” of black hole theory
# space

unmasking a monster: a “stunning confirmation” of black hole theory

The Event Horizon Telescope’s image of M87* is so good that theorists thought it was too good to be true.

are diffused galaxies a blow to the theory of modified gravity?
# space

are diffused galaxies a blow to the theory of modified gravity?

Are two galaxies which seem to lack dark matter proof that dark matter must be a particle rather than a quirk of gravity at cosmic scales. Well, it's actually kind of complicated...

how jupiter may have moved it, moved it from the outer reaches of the solar system
# space

how jupiter may have moved it, moved it from the outer reaches of the solar system

Considering what we know about planetary formation, Jupiter shouldn’t have been able to grow as massive in its current orbit. But a new simulation shows it could’ve been born much, much further away.

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