[ weird things ] | tech
# tech

house republicans take on google, own selves in process
# tech

house republicans take on google, own selves in process

When the internet really doesn’t like you, there isn’t much you can do but get better. Just don’t tell that to angry aging lawmakers. They will refuse to believe you.

how your smartphone is eliminating the checkout line
# tech

how your smartphone is eliminating the checkout line

Some Canadians are trying to save cashier jobs. But their phones and cheap, proven technology is poised to eliminate having to check out altogether.

how the gig economy ate the post-industrial world and how to escape its clutches
# tech

how the gig economy ate the post-industrial world and how to escape its clutches

We should take the gig economy’s rapid growth and global impact as a warning that we need to make some major changes, and we need to make them very quickly.

we can make online voting safe and secure. but why should we?
# tech

we can make online voting safe and secure. but why should we?

Voting online would be easy and convenient for millions of voters. But won’t solve big problems and we already have an almost equally convenient way to cast your ballot.

dissecting the one supercomputer to rule them all
# tech

dissecting the one supercomputer to rule them all

Imagine a computer the size of a solar system, powered by a star and built for speed. It sounds impressive, but it may not be as good of an idea as it may seem.

is time running out for today’s fighter jets?
# tech

is time running out for today’s fighter jets?

American fighter jets aren’t as combat ready as the military wants them to be. But the biggest challenge to meeting readiness goals aren’t older airframes. Some of the newest and most capable fighters are looking a little iffy...

henry kissinger’s misplaced warnings about artificial intelligence
# tech

henry kissinger’s misplaced warnings about artificial intelligence

Kissinger’s concerns about machines displacing human curiosity and turning our brains into useless, gray jelly unsuccessfully mine the same territory as many other technophobes with roughly the same results.

they came, they saw, they hacked: why the pentagon isn’t ready for cyberwarfare
# tech

they came, they saw, they hacked: why the pentagon isn’t ready for cyberwarfare

A new report by a congressional watchdog finds that a stunning number of weapon and military communication systems are easy targets for tech-savvy adversaries.

how to telepathically finish each other’s… sandwiches?
# tech

how to telepathically finish each other’s… sandwiches?

An experiment to enable humans to exchange thoughts is very underwhelming when you look at the details. But that’s only because it barely scratched the surface of what’s possible...

how old macdonald’s farm might just get automated
# tech

how old macdonald’s farm might just get automated

Robots are now making their way to one of the oldest and most important human occupations: farming. And further automation of agriculture will have serious consequences.

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