[ weird things ] | tech
# tech

how cryptocurrencies are trying to perform an act of economic necromancy
# tech

how cryptocurrencies are trying to perform an act of economic necromancy

Cryptocurrency advocates are trying to change the world with a paradox of new technology and an idea we've outgrown after thousands of years.

now you’re just a platform that i used to know…
# tech

now you’re just a platform that i used to know…

The times, they are a changin’, and Weird Things is once again changing with them.

the six steps we can take to battle trolls, bots, and propaganda on the web
# tech

the six steps we can take to battle trolls, bots, and propaganda on the web

Trolls and bots are taking over social media by the millions. But we're not powerless. We can fight back with just a few easy steps.

social media and the monsters within
# tech

social media and the monsters within

Social media didn't change us for the worse, it merely enabled us to be as bad as we wanted to be and our lack of impulse control would allow.

how your isp will exploit your browsing history and how it can backfire
# tech

how your isp will exploit your browsing history and how it can backfire

ISP's won't sell your porn surfing history, but the new law is still bad news for your privacy.

the trump administration is in denial about jobs and artificial intelligence
# tech

the trump administration is in denial about jobs and artificial intelligence

Trump administration officials tells workers already or currently being replaced by robots it won't happen for another 50 to 100 years.

quantum of bigot: fighting trolls with a.i.
# tech

quantum of bigot: fighting trolls with a.i.

If you're going to fight trolls, racists, and bigots with AI, you're going to need a much more comprehensive approach than a few neural networks...

the scary, science-muzzling link between spam, online drug sales, and big pharma
# tech

the scary, science-muzzling link between spam, online drug sales, and big pharma

Big Pharma really doesn't want you to know if drugs from online pharmacies might be real for an extremely unethical and blatantly obvious reason.

how trump is making america’s internet and digital economy a lot less great
# tech

how trump is making america’s internet and digital economy a lot less great

The Trump administration and FCC are already set to do serious damage to America's e-commerce and internet connectivity out of nothing more than myopic greed.

web development today is giving me a heckin’ concern, a big heckin’ concern…
# tech

web development today is giving me a heckin’ concern, a big heckin’ concern…

With web development becoming more and more commoditized, automation is just around the corner and junior level careers will be on the chopping block.

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