[ weird things ] | tech
# tech

why simulation is not emulation
# tech

why simulation is not emulation

Tracking what's happening inside a biological system on a computer is not the same thing as recreating that system.

the city of berkley wants you to fear your smartphone
# tech

the city of berkley wants you to fear your smartphone

The City of Berkley took on science and the science lost because it was represented by a trade group that argued about free speech rights instead.

why we can’t bring you back from the dead with a computer
# tech

why we can’t bring you back from the dead with a computer

A dive into the limitations of using an artificial neural network to reanimate yourself inside a computer.

how do we determine the lifespan of the internet outrage industrial complex?
# tech

how do we determine the lifespan of the internet outrage industrial complex?

Outrage has become the web's most lucrative and eye-catching product, and quite a few news sites have now streamlined its distribution for those sweet, sweet clicks.

why you should really be using an ad blocker
# tech

why you should really be using an ad blocker

Ad blockers aren't just a way to stop annoying banners pop-ups, and videos. They can also keep your devices safe.

why acting like adults is the key to cybersecurity
# tech

why acting like adults is the key to cybersecurity

As we're living our lives online, we have to adjust to the idea that what we do in private might become public and act accordingly.

no, technology isn’t ruining dating, redux
# tech

no, technology isn’t ruining dating, redux

Nancy Jo Sales tackles Tinder and modern dating. Or rather she filled in some stereotypes and bad science into an article she was planning to write all along.

adventures in eco-outsourcing with a startup founder
# tech

adventures in eco-outsourcing with a startup founder

The founder of Soylent is trying to make outsourcing your carbon footprint an accomplishment. It's not.

when science, technology, and money clash
# tech

when science, technology, and money clash

Why is Theranos so secretive about its technology? It may be because it has no incentive to disclose its methods...

why you shouldn’t learn to stop worrying and love the nuclear jet engine
# tech

why you shouldn’t learn to stop worrying and love the nuclear jet engine

Nuclear engines in commercial aircraft would be a slow motion environmental disaster without a huge leap in shielding technology.

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