[ weird things ] | tech
# tech

thou shalt not have sex with robots?
# tech

thou shalt not have sex with robots?

A look inside the secret plot to use porn to... help replace human women with sex bots because reasons?

how far will cyborg technology really go?
# tech

how far will cyborg technology really go?

Brain-machine interfaces are developing at a rapid pace. But don't expect to order implants on demand anytime soon.

michael vassar vs. weird things, round three
# tech

michael vassar vs. weird things, round three

Michael Vassar is back for the third and final installment of the Weird Things Singularity debate.

shhh… the internet may be watching
# tech

shhh… the internet may be watching

MIT's experiment in capturing how the web views you shows the limitations of parsing through massive, unstructured, loosely related data sets.

michael vassar vs. weird things, round two
# tech

michael vassar vs. weird things, round two

Michael Vassar is back for the second round of our debate about Ray Kurzweil and The Technological Singularity.

michael vassar vs. weird things, round one
# tech

michael vassar vs. weird things, round one

Michael Vassar of the Singularity Institute offers a rebuttal to Weird Things' coverage of the Singularity and its advocates.

artificial intelligence gets a reality check
# tech

artificial intelligence gets a reality check

Finally, there's a skeptical expert voice addressing the panic about our potential AI overlords.

the singularity institute vs. weird things
# tech

the singularity institute vs. weird things

The Singularity Institute has been reading Weird Things and they have some objections...

the people vs. killer robot #567-b?
# tech

the people vs. killer robot #567-b?

UK academics want to know if a sufficiently advanced robot goes on a killing spree should also stand trial for its crimes.

just in case you missed it…
# tech

just in case you missed it…

Would you pay $6,000 for advice from a doctor who claims he could help you live longer by making it up as he goes along?

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