[ weird things ] | tech
# tech

the simmering battle to define a.i. and how smart it can be
# tech

the simmering battle to define a.i. and how smart it can be

Despite constantly using algorithms defined as artificial intelligence and losing millions of jobs to it, we're still not sure where this technology can go and if it's really intelligent.

wowt explains: what is a cyborg?
# tech

wowt explains: what is a cyborg?

Thanks to science fiction we're all familiar with the term cyborg, but what it means is actually a lot less defined than it appears at first glance.

wowt explains: what is automation?
# tech

wowt explains: what is automation?

Few topics today are as relevant and impactful as automation, changing the fortunes of developing nations and deeply reshaping the economies of politics of wealthy ones.

can we stave off global warming by blocking out the sun?
# tech

can we stave off global warming by blocking out the sun?

Politicians aren't in a hurry to lower emissions even as the world's temperature rises. Can we buy more time to fix the environment with a giant orbiting sunshade?

could space planes help fight global warming?
# tech

could space planes help fight global warming?

Planes capable of suborbital flights reducing emissions from air travel sounds absurd at first glance, but a lot more plausible when you consider the technology they plan to use.

a peek into the minds of your future robot overlords
# tech

a peek into the minds of your future robot overlords

Imagine a device from science fiction capable of creating a self-replicating, constantly improving robotic hivemind. I wanted to know if we could build one today. Then I sort of did.

fighting for their right to start flame wars
# tech

fighting for their right to start flame wars

Jordan Peterson is trying to create a safe space for his fans online. He is far from the first right wing celebrity who tried to do just that with results that can only be described as underwhelming.

why a.i. probably won’t find you the perfect new job
# tech

why a.i. probably won’t find you the perfect new job

Some futurists and entrepreneurs think that artificial intelligence can match people to jobs. Unfortunately, they're underestimating the job seekers while overestimating the AIs.

facebook is trying to save itself by getting into the crypto game
# tech

facebook is trying to save itself by getting into the crypto game

Facebook's new cryptocurrency is a scary and dangerous ploy to further exploit its users, and government agencies are right to be worried.

the dirty work of training an artificial intelligence
# tech

the dirty work of training an artificial intelligence

AI that identifies faces, vehicles, and reads handwriting is springing from computers, ready to make tedious human work obsolete. But we don't see the tedious human work that goes into training them.

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