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articles tagged: computer science
when every myth you’re trying to debunk isn’t actually wrong…
# tech

when every myth you’re trying to debunk isn’t actually wrong…

George Dvorsky decided to try some myth-busting about the future of AI and the nature of the technology. The end result needs a lot of myth-busting of its own...

why we can’t, and shouldn’t, police abusive speech on web
# tech

why we can’t, and shouldn’t, police abusive speech on web

The bad news is that we can't wipe offensive speech and trolls off the web. The good news is that trolls tend to turn on each other quickly.

when open source is the only fair way to go
# tech

when open source is the only fair way to go

If your code can result in people being sent to jail for decades, if not death row, that code should be open source and subject to review. The courts don't seem to understand that yet.

why simulation is not emulation
# tech

why simulation is not emulation

Tracking what's happening inside a biological system on a computer is not the same thing as recreating that system.

would an artificial superintelligence just leave humanity alone?
# tech

would an artificial superintelligence just leave humanity alone?

An AI far smarter than any human may want to have no contact with us. Unfortunately, it won't have a choice in the matter.

how not to hire a programmer, redux
# tech

how not to hire a programmer, redux

Tech companies are having a lot of trouble recruiting and keeping skilled coders, and the advice floating around the web is not helping them at all.

do you really need college to code?
# tech

do you really need college to code?

Just because you can write an app without going to college, don't discount the value of a degree if you decide to seriously pursue computer science.

why my dog is smarter than your a.i.
# science

why my dog is smarter than your a.i.

When thinking about AI, we often focus on human analogs. But what if we consider a non-human intelligence for a change?

do memristor chips remember electric sheep?
# tech

do memristor chips remember electric sheep?

A new set of chips shows a lot of promise in drastically reducing the vast amount of energy used by artificial neural networks.

why you can’t marry a robot, or, electrogonorrhea, the noisy killer, revisited
# tech

why you can’t marry a robot, or, electrogonorrhea, the noisy killer, revisited

Tech pundits keep pitching anatomically correct robots built to be interactive sex toys as a solution for many societal woes despite a lot of red flags that it won't work.

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