[ weird things ] | computer science
articles tagged: computer science
into the quantum computing mesh with a new programming language
# tech

into the quantum computing mesh with a new programming language

Some computer scientists are so eager to work work quantum computers, they created a new language to make working with quantum circuits easier.

why the web will never forget and what you can’t do to fix it
# tech

why the web will never forget and what you can’t do to fix it

EU's latest idea for making the web forget you and your embarrassing posts? Set all data to self-destruct.

why shouldn’t robots write you a speeding ticket? they’re just not smart or lenient enough.
# tech

why shouldn’t robots write you a speeding ticket? they’re just not smart or lenient enough.

Computers respect the letter of the law, but they can't understand the spirit. That's why they're terrible at real world policing.

when a programmer writes flame war bait…
# tech

when a programmer writes flame war bait…

In the tech world, dissing someone's tech stack is a great way to start a small holy war. And Jeff Atwood did just that on his blog.

the tech world gets its own little elevatorgrate
# tech

the tech world gets its own little elevatorgrate

How a joke in poor taste exploded into an ever-escalating firestorm of recriminations and tit-for-tats.

how bad questions inspire equally bad answers
# tech

how bad questions inspire equally bad answers

Big Think's informative and educational Q&A feature once again produces answers that fail to inform or educate.

no, computers can’t be trusted with math’s future
# tech

no, computers can’t be trusted with math’s future

A widely covered article about math confuses readers by equating volume of proof and code with quality of proof and code to imply that computers will take over math as a discipline.

why you shouldn’t coin buzzwords in trippy op-eds
# tech

why you shouldn’t coin buzzwords in trippy op-eds

If you're a Silicon Valley founder without a new idea, you can always just steal and existing one and paper over it with buzzwords, as David Gelernter demonstrates...

a moral dilemma for an intelligent search engine
# tech

a moral dilemma for an intelligent search engine

If you're openly sorting search results with an AI, you're taking on certain responsibilities for which Google might not be ready...

learning your abc’s and int/void mains?
# tech

learning your abc’s and int/void mains?

Coding is a useful skill, but some Silicon Valley luminaries are tackling their mission to teach kids how to write apps with a little too much zeal and overly rosy stats.

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