[ weird things ] | environmentalism
articles tagged: environmentalism
world of weird things podcast: why space travel makes you care about the earth
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: why space travel makes you care about the earth

Critics of space exploration say we need to fix Earth before aiming for the stars, but science shows that space travel makes you care much more about the planet’s future.

why space travel makes you more of an environmentalist
# space

why space travel makes you more of an environmentalist

Astronauts get a very rare and unique perspective on our planet, one in which our world isn’t just a steppingstone to the stars, but a fragile home to be protected.

world of weird things podcast: the sinister conspiracy to make the world healthier
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: the sinister conspiracy to make the world healthier

You might think that a cleaner world with renewable energy and smart urban planning would make our lives better. But that’s exactly what those evil Illuminati want you to think...

if you can’t save the world, how about just half?
# politics

if you can’t save the world, how about just half?

A plan to save the planet by letting half of it revert to a wilderness may not be as unrealistic as it seems at first blush.

when technophobes and environmentalists decide to get violent
# tech

when technophobes and environmentalists decide to get violent

What do radical Mexican environmental activists call a nuclear war followed by a totalitarian dictatorship? A good start.

when bad science, mass media, and luddism mix
# science

when bad science, mass media, and luddism mix

Anti-GMO activists are defending an extremely flawed study with all their bad faith rhetorical guns blazing.

why you can’t tax your way to a greener world
# politics

why you can’t tax your way to a greener world

Carbon taxes may prompt companies and people to switch to cleaner. But incentives, rather than punishments, may be a better approach.

the return of the earth hour conspiracy
# oddities

the return of the earth hour conspiracy

Clean air, clean water, and sustainable, renewable energy are apparently just tools of the New World Order to enslave you and set up a planet-wide communist gulag.

how justified are our nuclear energy fears?
# politics

how justified are our nuclear energy fears?

Anti-nuclear NIMBYism has not gotten better over the years. In fact, it's getting worse.

why global warming is so cold, revisited
# science

why global warming is so cold, revisited

Another year, another mandatory post about how global warming actually works and why a warm planet can still have snow and ice.

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