[ weird things ] | medicine
articles tagged: medicine
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain?
# health

pay no attention to the man behind the curtain?

Medical experts are appalled with Dr. Oz for making a career out of giving simplistic, scientifically unverifiable and unproven questions to complicated questions about people's health.

how to weave machinery into biology
# tech

how to weave machinery into biology

A new experiment is trying to marry the best of health monitoring technology and organs grown from stem cells.

human biology vs. the modern work environment
# health

human biology vs. the modern work environment

Today's white collar jobs could not have an unhealthier culture and worse setup for our joints and midsections. And they're shaving years off our lives...

why medicine’s future needs wired patients
# tech

why medicine’s future needs wired patients

One of the best things you might ever do for your health is let your doctor track it with every possible device.

conspiracy theorists’ dark view of medicine
# oddities

conspiracy theorists’ dark view of medicine

Anti-vaxers and alt med quacks are trying to convince anyone who'll listen that modern medicine is a sinister conspiracy to cull humanity.

and once again, biology puts up a fight…
# science

and once again, biology puts up a fight…

Stem cells can become any kind of tissue you might need. Hypothetically. In practice, your body might just attack them as foreign invaders.

that depends on your definition of informed…
# health

that depends on your definition of informed…

Anti-vaxers are vehemently opposed to a bill that would require doctors to explain how vaccines work on the basis that it would require them to leave their echo chambers and might sway parents on the fence to vaccinate.

the strange and complicated world of placebos
# science

the strange and complicated world of placebos

Placebos are all in the mind, but that doesn't mean they're not extremely powerful.

alt med’s profitable medical symbiosis
# health

alt med’s profitable medical symbiosis

The real reason so many alt med practitioners want to work alongside real doctors isn't to help them. It's to profitably ride their coattails.

the superbug is coming! well, maybe. in a way.
# science

the superbug is coming! well, maybe. in a way.

Antibiotic resistance is rising and becoming a real threat. But we still have time and methods to fight it.

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