Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# oddities
Dr. Steel is all in for The Singularity in a promo for a new single by the same name.
# tech
Tron's human/computer gateway certainly seems cool, but it's going to be pretty much impossible to build, ever.
# tech
While the Singularity Institute is celebrating their vision on a mainstream sitcom, it's actually become a punchline...
# tech
Are public transhumanists pulling away from Kurzweil, citing him as a distraction from a much more sober and realistic community?
# tech
Didn't get enough Singularity debates on the air last time? George Dvorsky and I are back...
# tech
It's one thing to criticize junk science or lack of detail when it comes to transhumanism. It's something else to dismiss the entire concept based on glorified statism and fatalism.
# tech
If you froze yourself in a cryogenic chamber, would anyone actually want to unfreeze you in the future?
# science
We often worry about parents customizing their children into their warped idea of perfection. But what if the future parents want to put a limitation their kid's abilities?
# tech
Tomorrow, it's Weird Things vs. transhumanist George Dvorksy on Skeptically Speaking.
# oddities
The third, and for now, final installment of a sci-fi experiment focused on this blog's favorite themes.