[ weird things ] | oddities
# oddities

paranoia, paranoia, the evil globalists are coming to get me…
# oddities

paranoia, paranoia, the evil globalists are coming to get me…

Hyperventilating conspiracy theories used to be fringe phenomena on the internet look on as curiosities. Now, they're being incorporated into the GOP platform.

apparently, digital currency is of the devil…
# oddities

apparently, digital currency is of the devil…

Conspiracy theorists and religious zealots waiting for the End Times have some surprisingly strong opinions in the cash vs. digital money debate...

a leaked treasure trove of nothing at all…
# oddities

a leaked treasure trove of nothing at all…

Anonymous' hack of Startfor is presented as shocking revelations brought to you by elite hackers who toppled an intel powerhouse. The truth is a lot less impressive...

conspiracy theorists’ dark view of medicine
# oddities

conspiracy theorists’ dark view of medicine

Anti-vaxers and alt med quacks are trying to convince anyone who'll listen that modern medicine is a sinister conspiracy to cull humanity.

the return of the earth hour conspiracy
# oddities

the return of the earth hour conspiracy

Clean air, clean water, and sustainable, renewable energy are apparently just tools of the New World Order to enslave you and set up a planet-wide communist gulag.

search engines vs. conspiracy theorists?
# oddities

search engines vs. conspiracy theorists?

Trying to debunk conspiracy theories alongside search results might just convince conspiracy theorists that the search engines are in on the sinister scheme they're researching.

the bizarre mindset of conspiracy theorists
# oddities

the bizarre mindset of conspiracy theorists

Apparently, conspiracy theorists picture life in the Illuminati as being a member of a racist BDSM dungeon...

and now, a reminder about post-modernism
# oddities

and now, a reminder about post-modernism

Even a cursory glance at post-modernism shows that it's basically just trendy nonsense. Emphasis on nonsense.

why your sexy eyes are now a sin before allah
# oddities

why your sexy eyes are now a sin before allah

Muslim fundamentalists want all those harlots to cover up their sexy, sexy eyes, lest they're tempted to sin at the sight of an exposed iris.

scraping the bottom of the conspiracy barrel…
# oddities

scraping the bottom of the conspiracy barrel…

Christian zealots and Muslim fundamentalists find new common ground: that evolution is a myth created by the Jews to subjugate the world.

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