[ weird things ] | science
# science

achieving transcendence with brain surgery
# science

achieving transcendence with brain surgery

A study of brain cancer patients in Italy shows the neural epicenters of spiritual experiences and religious belief.

king tut gives us a peek at a royal family
# science

king tut gives us a peek at a royal family

An analysis of King Tutankhamun's DNA confirms he's the son of Akhenaten and brings the short, unpleasant history of his reign into focus.

making quark-gluon soup with an atom smasher
# science

making quark-gluon soup with an atom smasher

The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider may have reached temperatures at which matter itself begins to melt, and found a peek at new insights into the future of computing.

the creationist swarm stays on the offensive
# science

the creationist swarm stays on the offensive

After several years of sustained pushback, you'd think that creationists would find a new strategy. But they're nothing if not consistent and deaf to criticism...

darpa’s new project tackles immortality
# science

darpa’s new project tackles immortality

DARPA's new moonshot experiment sounds like a recipe for invincible monsters straight out of a B horror movie.

mooney tackles the anti-vaxers. well, sort of…
# science

mooney tackles the anti-vaxers. well, sort of…

After failing to fix science education, Chris Mooney is taking his failed approach to the vaccine manufactroversy.

when movies lose all sense of plausibility
# science

when movies lose all sense of plausibility

Thankfully for us, the future Repo Men imagines is very unlikely to happen, which makes it difficult to take its parable seriously.

how noble goals can pave a road to nowhere
# science

how noble goals can pave a road to nowhere

Not only can we continue scientific research and space exploration before we solve all the world's problems, we can't afford not to...

much ado about mass effect’s dark matter
# science

much ado about mass effect’s dark matter

Sometimes we need to let entertainment stay entertainment instead of bending over backwards trying to turn it into an educational tool.

downloading your mind the natural way
# science

downloading your mind the natural way

Avatar is an accidental tale of Singularitarian transhumanism with an environmentalist twist.

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