Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# sex
# sex
Pat Fagan of the Family Research Council plays fast and loose with statistics and doesn't bother with the logic in his latest attack on healthy libidos.
# sex
Too many studies about sex and psychology use convenience samples of college students. At the same time, too many writers criticize those studies for the wrong reasons.
# sex
Sex sells, especially when it's part of a conspiracy theory that wouldn't make any sense without it. Or much with it, to be honest...
# sex
The Family Research Council, without a hint of sarcasm or whiff of hyperbole to make some point, wants the government to outlaw the sale of birth control to unmarried couples.
# sex
Technology may be playing a big role in killing courtship as our parents and grandparents knew it. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
# sex
The idea that sexual abuse and careers in porn go hand in hand isn't true according to a survey of adult performers. But the context of the findings and public reactions to them are still quite unsettling.
# sex
Stephen Crowder's attempt to encourage abstinence until marriage among teenagers and adults inadvertently shows all the downsides to this approach.
# sex
PornHub wants to raise money for breast cancer research and got shot down by prominent charities. That was a huge mistake.
# sex
A study from South Korea claims that castration can add years of male life expectancy. But on further analysis, there may be some issues with how it arrived at this conclusion.
# sex
A number of sex positive communities are confusing a healthy attitude about sex and sexuality with more and kinkier sex, and shaming those who aren't as adventurous.