[ weird things ] | tech
# tech

why cognitive computers come with a drawback
# tech

why cognitive computers come with a drawback

Popular science outlets and tech pundits are getting the wrong idea about chips built to function more like biological neurons.

changing comp sci for all the wrong reasons
# tech

changing comp sci for all the wrong reasons

A disagreement between academic and industrial computer science is threatening to leave students in an educational no-man's land.

the oddly familiar world of bitcoin economics
# tech

the oddly familiar world of bitcoin economics

Bitcoin is supposed to be a whole new way to manage money. But the humans handling it are still the same and falling into old habits with this new currency.

how to dismantle searle’s chinese room
# tech

how to dismantle searle’s chinese room

The problem with John Searle's Chinese Room thought experiment is that its premise is woefully outdated in computer science terms.

why computers can’t predict revolutions
# tech

why computers can’t predict revolutions

No, computers didn't predict the Arab Spring. Their vague outputs are just being sold as predictions after the fact.

on your mark, get ready, get set… reboot!
# tech

on your mark, get ready, get set… reboot!

Weird Things returns from its extended break to bring you more strange science and tech.

and so i say so long and thanks for all the fish
# tech

and so i say so long and thanks for all the fish

A not so happy update about the future of Weird Things...

food, water, shelter, and broadband internet?
# tech

food, water, shelter, and broadband internet?

If we accept that internet connectivity in the 21st century is a part of vital infrastructure, the next question is what is the minimum speed we can call acceptable.

in a high tech world, who needs résumés?
# tech

in a high tech world, who needs résumés?

Unless you're famous enough to be recognized by the top tier in your industry, you're probably still going to need a resume, no matter what Seth Godin says.

stalking? yeah, there’s an app for that too.
# tech

stalking? yeah, there’s an app for that too.

Spy agency stalking is now as easy as paying a dollar for an app. We really didn't think this ubiquitous wireless connectivity thing through at all, did we?

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