[ weird things ] | tech
# tech

when computing gets a little too personal…
# tech

when computing gets a little too personal…

DARPA wants a program that can monitor your actions and predict your every move. Is that even remotely plausible?

how to create a legal false dichotomy
# tech

how to create a legal false dichotomy

We should always think of the children, especially if we're being told to let our ISPs spy on our every move, ostensibly to protect said children.

stealing a dystopian sci-fi plot to bash science
# tech

stealing a dystopian sci-fi plot to bash science

A philosopher turns transhumanism into a parade of horrors on loan from dystopian sci-fi movies.

sopa was horrible, but piracy is still a problem
# tech

sopa was horrible, but piracy is still a problem

Piracy might not kill entertainment as we know it, but the justifications for why it's supposedly harmless seem to fall short of their goal.

to boost data density, chill and apply magnetism
# tech

to boost data density, chill and apply magnetism

The good news is that we found a way to drastically increase storage density for computers. The bad news is that it's not very practical.

comp sci students’ rage against the machine
# tech

comp sci students’ rage against the machine

Colleges are trying to figure out who'll actually succeed in a computer science program, and they're starting to find some interesting insights.

why you may want to see yourself as a machine
# tech

why you may want to see yourself as a machine

While thinking of our bodies as divine or entirely in utilitarian terms is unhealthy, there is a middle ground to consider.

why you shouldn’t put your trust in the cloud
# tech

why you shouldn’t put your trust in the cloud

Remember, the cloud is just someone else's computers. And your files could vanish if those computers break or their owners sell them off.

the weird things year in review, 2011
# tech

the weird things year in review, 2011

Putting another (incomplete) year in the books for Weird Things...

how to dodge responsibility, comp sci edition
# tech

how to dodge responsibility, comp sci edition

Computer scientist Nick Barnes shows us pretty much everything wrong with colleges' attitudes towards their students and curricula by example...

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