[ weird things ] | tech
# tech

and we’re back on the air by popular demand…
# tech

and we’re back on the air by popular demand…

Didn't get enough Singularity debates on the air last time? George Dvorsky and I are back...

come on ray, now it’s just getting embarrassing
# tech

come on ray, now it’s just getting embarrassing

The Prophet of the Singularity returns with a hopeful sermon on our impending computer-aided immortality.

why intelligence is in the eye of the beholder
# tech

why intelligence is in the eye of the beholder

The definition of what constitutes artificial intelligence is still highly subjective.

when philosophy meets artificial intelligence
# tech

when philosophy meets artificial intelligence

Computer scientist Jaron Lanier wants to you remind you not to worship technology as a panacea to all the world's ills, albeit in a very bizarre, rambling way...

in skeptical defense of transhumanism…
# tech

in skeptical defense of transhumanism…

It's one thing to criticize junk science or lack of detail when it comes to transhumanism. It's something else to dismiss the entire concept based on glorified statism and fatalism.

i, for one, welcome our robot scientist overlords
# tech

i, for one, welcome our robot scientist overlords

Robots and computers are not about to make scientists obsolete. Why? Because they're limited by math.

how do you protect people from themselves?
# tech

how do you protect people from themselves?

Getting naked in front of digital devices with cameras as a teenage minor can become a huge legal problem. So why aren't states fixing the laws for modern times?

thinking about the promise of nano-medicine
# tech

thinking about the promise of nano-medicine

Armies of smart microscopic robots roaming your bloodstream are still science fiction. But simpler beneficial nanoparticles may be coming sooner than later.

coming soon to a future near you…
# tech

coming soon to a future near you…

Predictions are difficult, especially about the future. But what futurist ideas seem to be on the right track and more likely to happen than not?

cryonics: the best worst case scenario…
# tech

cryonics: the best worst case scenario…

If you froze yourself in a cryogenic chamber, would anyone actually want to unfreeze you in the future?

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