Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# tech
# tech
Despite the popular rumor, you can't hack a speed camera XKCD-style with some code on your license plate.
# tech
Machine vision still has a long way to go before it can do something as simple as identify objects at a slight angle.
# tech
Tomorrow, it's Weird Things vs. transhumanist George Dvorksy on Skeptically Speaking.
# tech
The city of San Francisco wants cell phone makers to display information showing that their phones are harmless in the most menacing and confusing way possible.
# tech
Joe Lieberman decided that the best way to tackle cyber-security is by literally shutting off the country's internet on demand with nothing more than an executive order by the president.
# tech
IBM has big plans for its Watson engine. Question is whether it will live up to the hype.
# tech
If Nicholas Carr's attention span has been undermined by technology, he reasons that so has everyone else's and it's his duty to warn us.
# tech
A Singularitarian group wants to make you immortal using nothing more than all your secrets and keepsakes...
# tech
Are computer scientists, ordinarily classified as engineers, in such high demand in traditional scientific fields that we'd want to reclassify them?
# tech
Another day, another Singularitarian idea for measuring artificial intelligence, this time, through statistical problem solving.