[ weird things ] | tech
# tech

the wrong way to beat a speed camera
# tech

the wrong way to beat a speed camera

Despite the popular rumor, you can't hack a speed camera XKCD-style with some code on your license plate.

putting visual recognition software to the test
# tech

putting visual recognition software to the test

Machine vision still has a long way to go before it can do something as simple as identify objects at a slight angle.

weird things vs. the transhumanists
# tech

weird things vs. the transhumanists

Tomorrow, it's Weird Things vs. transhumanist George Dvorksy on Skeptically Speaking.

how about some paranoia with your new phone?
# tech

how about some paranoia with your new phone?

The city of San Francisco wants cell phone makers to display information showing that their phones are harmless in the most menacing and confusing way possible.

cyber-security. you’re doing it very wrong.
# tech

cyber-security. you’re doing it very wrong.

Joe Lieberman decided that the best way to tackle cyber-security is by literally shutting off the country's internet on demand with nothing more than an executive order by the president.

building a better search engine, trivia edition
# tech

building a better search engine, trivia edition

IBM has big plans for its Watson engine. Question is whether it will live up to the hype.

nicholas carr’s crusade against technology
# tech

nicholas carr’s crusade against technology

If Nicholas Carr's attention span has been undermined by technology, he reasons that so has everyone else's and it's his duty to warn us.

get ready for the singularity with a mind file
# tech

get ready for the singularity with a mind file

A Singularitarian group wants to make you immortal using nothing more than all your secrets and keepsakes...

merging computer science and academia
# tech

merging computer science and academia

Are computer scientists, ordinarily classified as engineers, in such high demand in traditional scientific fields that we'd want to reclassify them?

measuring a computer’s iq the singularity way
# tech

measuring a computer’s iq the singularity way

Another day, another Singularitarian idea for measuring artificial intelligence, this time, through statistical problem solving.

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