Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# tech
Tomorrow, it's Weird Things vs. transhumanist George Dvorksy on Skeptically Speaking.
# oddities
The third, and for now, final installment of a sci-fi experiment focused on this blog's favorite themes.
# oddities
Tim Minchin's famous beat poem about a woo-ey dinner guest is getting made into a short film.
# oddities
Way back when this blog was just getting started, I decided to include an odd and neat little image I once found making the rounds on the web in a post on Jim Marrs’ latest conspiracy potboiler. That graphic was a piece of concept art for an alt history film Iron Sky, currently being produced […]
# education
Baba Brinkman comes up with a proper diss track for cranks, quacks, and snake oil salesmen.
# oddities
Science fiction has been a vehicle for humanity exploring its deepest fears and highest aspirations. But to gatekeepers of the film world, sci-fi is always nothing more than pulpy shlock.
# oddities
It's rare you get to talk to a mastermind with plans to rule the world so it's hard not to jump at the chance to interview one.
# oddities
Futurama might have an unorthodox but workable solution to solving the woes of global warming. Minus the flaming robot farts, of course.
# oddities
Part two of the sci-fi experiment featuring a space opera built around this blog's favorite themes...
# tech
Intel gives us a humorous peek at a surprisingly plausible future of robotics with its "Lunch Room" ad.